Terms & Conditions

All displayed information, carried, transmitted or otherwise, on bluelotuscollectionusa.com is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws.

This site is designed and maintained by bluelotuscollectionusa.com. All of the content is owned by bluelotuscollectionusa.com and the content cannot be published, modified, transmitted, transferred, reproduced, or reposted.

Bluelotuscollectionusa.com reserves the right to suspend or cancel the service at any time.

Bluelotuscollectionusa.com disclaims all warranties or conditions, whether expressed or implied, (including without limitation implied, warranties or conditions of information and context). We consider ourselves and intend to be subject to the jurisdiction only of the courts of Mumbai, India.

Bluelotuscollectionusa.com maintains privacy of information with regards to all clients. Visitor and client data and information is not shared with third party sources

Bluelotuscollectionusa.com reserves the right to refuse service.